1 Day - Santa Maria Day Hike

USD 33,00 $
  • Dauer: 7 Stunden (ca.)
  • Ort: Quetzaltenango

Volcan Santa Maria is a great day hike climbing from 2,500meters at the
trial head to the peak at 3,772
meters (12,000+ft) above sea level but with spectacular
views of 16 volcanoes, the city of Xela, the Pacific coast and (weather
permitting) a birds eye view of the eruptions of Volcan Santiaguito, which
erupts approximately once an hour.  We
pick you up at your hotel or host family at 5:00am and drive half an hour to
the trail head.  From there it takes
approximately 4 hours to climb to the top and 3 hours to descend.

Level: Difficult (can also be done as an overnight trip)

Includes private roundtrip transportation and guide

Bring: 2 liters of water, bag lunch, hiking boots or sneakers,
sunscreen camera and light jacket, raincoat during rainy season May-Oct